Located in the heart of New York's Finger Lakes Region, Seneca County offers the opportunity to walk through history, discover new tastes, unwind through exploration and relax in the comfort and safety of reimagined spaces. We're excited to share local scenery and hope it inspires you to visit our vibrant community.
Birthplace of Women's Rights
The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 launched a national movement for Women's Rights
Wine Country
Seneca County is home to the largest concentration of wineries in the Finger Lakes Region
In addition to celebrating women's rights and our wine producing industry, Seneca County is also home to the region's two largest lakes - Seneca Lake and Cayuga Lake. Together, with the Cayuga-Seneca Canal (part of the Erie Canal system), the waterways contain over 6.6 trillion gallons of fresh water -- making this the perfect destination for recreational opportunities from boating to fishing to swimming.
Seneca County and the Finger Lakes is a year-round visitor destination for people of all ages and interests. Whether you're looking for an active adventure to enhance your physical well-being or a relaxing activity to soak up the scenery, Seneca County provides some of the region's best opportunities to experience the outdoors and all the Finger Lakes has to offer.